A Day in the Life of Twin Flames in Harmonious Union


I'm Laurentiu, and I'm Alexandra - Twin Flames in Harmonious Union, students of Jeff and Shaleia, and Ascension Coaches affiliated with Twin Flames Universe. Today, we want to give you a glimpse into a day in the life of Twin Flames in harmonious union.

Purposeful Living:

We lead purposeful lives, focused on our Twin Flame coaching and spiritual growth. This allows us to have flexibility in our daily routines and prepares us for our client interactions and video creation.

Morning Routine:

  • Laurentiu: Our day starts early. I wake up before Alexandra to engage in inner work. This involves clearing any blocks using the mirror exercise and tending to our shared dreams and inner processes.

  • Alexandra: While Laurentiu works on his inner self, I continue processing and healing as I sleep. After he finishes his morning inner work, he comes back to bed, and we spend time together, addressing any upsets and allowing for emotional processing.

  • Laurentiu: Our mornings typically include activities like reading spiritual books, meditating, and engaging in inner work through the mirror exercise. This spiritual-centered approach sets the tone for our day.

Morning Work:

  • Alexandra: After our morning routine, we focus on work, considering the tasks at hand. This may involve sessions, creating content for our website, or working on other projects we have committed to.

  • Laurentiu: We follow the guidance of the day, often watching classes from Twin Flame Universe or diving into tasks that align with our current flow.

Divine Dish Meals:

  • Alexandra: Our meals are inspired by the Divine Dish meal plan. We value the support this plan offers in our lives, particularly at breakfast and dinner.

  • Laurentiu: Divine Dish helps us with healing our relationship with food and embracing healthier choices. Each meal has brought us closer to harmonious living, both in our bodies and our partnership.

Afternoon Work:

  • Alexandra: After our midday meal, we continue with work, providing sessions or working on projects based on our schedule and the day's demands.

  • Laurentiu: Our afternoons often involve video creation, addressing coaching needs, and responding to messages from our clients and community.

Dinner and Evening Work:

  • Alexandra: For dinner, we again rely on Divine Dish for a balanced, nutritious meal that demands our attention and presence.

  • Laurentiu: After dinner, we may briefly return to work, but we also value an evening cool-down period. During this time, we come together to process the day, engage in healing work, and discuss our thoughts and experiences.

Relaxation and Enjoyment:

  • Alexandra: After our evening work, we prioritize relaxation and enjoyment. We may watch anime or play video games together, deepening our connection in a more leisurely manner.

  • Laurentiu: We believe in allowing the day to unfold naturally and following our guidance to ensure we maintain a harmonious and supportive life together.


Our lives, like any other couple's, are a blend of work, spiritual growth, and relaxation. We're united in our purpose as Twin Flames in harmonious union, and we treasure each day as an opportunity to grow individually and together. We want to inspire you to follow your dreams and achieve harmonious union with your Twin Flame.

With love,

Laurentiu and Alexandra


Unsticking Your Twin Flame Journey - Surrender and Self-Discovery


The Divine Masculine's Journey: A Fresh Beginning