Healing Romance in Your Twin Flame Union Reading


Welcome, everyone, to another enlightening reading on our channel, where we explore the mystical realm of the Twin Flame journey. I'm Laurentiu, a Master Certified Ascension Coach, and I'm here to guide you through today's energy reading. Don't forget to subscribe to stay connected for more readings like this one. In today's reading, we'll delve into the theme of healing and enhancing romance within your Twin Flame union.

Card 1: Transformation

The first card we draw is "Transformation." This card signifies that your union is ready for a profound transformation, especially in the realm of romance. It's an opportunity for you to claim this transformation for yourself without waiting for your Twin Flame to initiate it. The key message here is not to wait for your Twin Flame to be the sole source of romance in your life. Instead, take the initiative to romance yourself. Jeff and Shaleia's "Romance Attraction" ecourse emphasizes the importance of self-romance. By first nurturing yourself with love and care, you create a foundation for your Twin Flame to reciprocate and enhance the romance in your union. Don't hesitate to initiate this transformation yourself.

Card 2: Open Your Heart

The second card, "Open Your Heart," beautifully complements the theme of transformation. To fully embrace and enhance the romance in your Twin Flame union, it's essential to open your heart. Begin by exploring your past experiences with romance, whether they were positive or challenging. Understand that many of us carry past hurts and wounds related to romantic relationships, often stemming from childhood or past relationships. It's a safe space to delve into these feelings, heal your heart, and release any lingering pain. By allowing yourself to be vulnerable and honest with your emotions, you create the necessary foundation for a more profound and enduring romantic connection with your Twin Flame.

Card 3: Spiritual Support

The final card, "Spiritual Support," highlights the importance of seeking and acknowledging the spiritual support available to you. You are not alone on this journey, and you don't have to navigate it alone. Always remember that God is ever-present and ready to offer support. However, you must exercise your power of choice to invite that support into your life. Whether you are currently in a relationship with your Twin Flame or not, you can claim spiritual support to enhance your romantic experiences. Seeking guidance, assistance, and healing is not a sign of weakness but a demonstration of your willingness to create a harmonious and fulfilling union. Spiritual support will come from God and can manifest through various channels, including communities like ours. Recognize that you deserve this support and take steps to embrace it.


In conclusion, the energy reading today emphasizes the importance of actively engaging in the transformation of romance within your Twin Flame union. You are encouraged to take the initiative, romance yourself, and open your heart to heal any past wounds associated with romance. Remember that spiritual support is readily available and essential for your journey. Embrace the love, healing, and guidance that God and supportive communities can offer. By doing so, you pave the way for a deeper and more fulfilling romantic connection with your Twin Flame.


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