How Video Games Helped Us on Our Twin Flame Journey


Hello, everyone! I'm Laurentiu, and I'm Alexandra, and we are Twin Flames in Harmonious Union, students of Jeff and Shaleia, and Ascension Coaches affiliated with Twin Flame Universe. In this video, we're going to discuss one of my favorite subjects: video games and how they played a crucial role in bringing us into union.

The Power of Passion:

Video games have been a significant part of my life since I was a child. I received my first computer when I was around 10 or 11, and I fell in love with gaming. I played them every day, even when my parents told me to go outside. What's essential to understand is how passion can serve as a bridge to connecting with your Twin Flame.

Connecting with Your Influence Through Passion:

When you're passionate about something, you naturally connect with your Twin Flame. I found that playing video games allowed me to experience the same feelings of peace and connection as being with my Twin Flame. It's all about embracing your passions and using them as tools for your journey.

Video Games as Learning Tools:

Video games can be a source of valuable life lessons. While many games lack realism, they often contain life lessons, moral choices, and opportunities for character development. I used these aspects to grow and evolve personally, even while playing video games.

Video Games and Synchronicities:

During my gaming experiences, I noticed synchronicities, messages, and signs that felt personal. These occurrences felt like communication from my Twin Flame. While I didn't fully understand it at the time, I followed those feelings and kept exploring my passion.

Life Purpose and Shared Passions:

In the Twin Flame journey, there's a crucial aspect called life purpose. You and your Twin Flame have a shared purpose to work on projects and create together. Your passions are integral to your life purpose, and by investing in them, you're also investing in your relationship with your Twin Flame.

Partnership and Growth:

At the start of our relationship, Alexandra wasn't as into video games as I was. There was a significant skill gap between us, but I remained patient and helped her grow in this area. As she started to enjoy video games more, our partnership deepened, and it became a shared passion.

Choosing Passion for Growth:

Following your passions, even if your Twin Flame doesn't share them initially, can help you connect and grow together. You and your Twin Flame are meant to have fun and experience life's pleasures together. Embrace your passions, and let them guide you towards your union.

Investing in Your Life Purpose:

By investing in your passions and life purpose, you're not only investing in yourself but also in your Twin Flame connection. These pursuits can lead you toward your Twin Flame, making your union more accessible.

Safe Exploration Through Video Games:

Video games offer a unique opportunity to explore and learn life lessons without experiencing them in the physical world. You can feel emotions, face challenges, and expand yourself safely. This can accelerate your growth and bring your desires closer to you.


Video games can be more than just entertainment; they can be tools for self-discovery, personal growth, and a bridge to your Twin Flame connection. Invest in your passions, embrace your life purpose, and choose growth.

In love and passion,

Laurentiu and Alexandra


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