Our Twin Flame Wedding Journey


I'm Laurentiu, and I'm Alexandra. We are Twin Flames in Harmonious Union, students of Jeff and Shaleia, and Ascension Coaches affiliated with Twin Flame Universe. Today, we want to share the beautiful story of our Twin Flame wedding journey.


  1. Initial Resistance and Fear:

    • At the beginning of our journey, we both had fears and resistance towards the idea of getting married. Alexandra had childhood experiences related to her parents' divorce that influenced her perception of marriage. Laurentiu also had concerns about the purpose of marriage due to societal norms and the high divorce rate among soulmates.

  2. Engagement and Proposal:

    • Overcoming these fears, Laurentiu had a strong intuition to propose to Alexandra on her birthday in December. He bought an engagement ring, and on her birthday, after a meal, he proposed. Alexandra said yes, and they both cried tears of joy.

  3. Challenges in Preparing for the Wedding:

    • Their families were supportive of their engagement, but they kept their plans a secret for a while. When they decided to inform their families, they received an understanding and expected response. The couple encountered difficulties due to the COVID-19 pandemic, including challenges with the bureaucratic paperwork required for marriage.

  4. Acting Quickly and Overcoming Obstacles:

    • Laurentiu and Alexandra showed determination and quick thinking, deciding to get married as soon as the lockdown ended. They took swift actions and were surprised to find that they had to schedule an appointment to submit their marriage papers. Their wedding plans seemed in jeopardy due to these unexpected delays, but they persisted and managed to arrange everything quickly.

  5. Witnesses and Family Support:

    • They were lucky to find witnesses for their wedding, as the COVID-19 pandemic initially left them uncertain about this. Laurentiu's father and a friend agreed to be their witnesses, providing crucial support for their wedding.

  6. Obtaining Wedding Rings:

    • Obtaining wedding rings became an exciting part of the journey. They found a jeweler who could provide rings on short notice and even had a memorable experience while picking them up. This process was marked by divine synchronicities, such as the presence of a street musician playing romantic songs.

  7. Emotional Wedding Day:

    • On their wedding day, both Laurentiu and Alexandra had emotions to navigate. Alexandra felt self-conscious about not having a wedding dress and missing some traditional aspects, but she chose to surrender and trust in the process. Laurentiu recognized his fears and chose to release them with God's guidance. Their day included a simple civil ceremony, photographs taken by a street photographer, and precious time with their families and friend.

  8. Emotional Church of Union Ceremony:

    • After the legal ceremony, they celebrated the Church of Union ceremony, which was streamed live. This ceremony brought out their emotions as they watched it and solidified their commitment to each other.


Their Twin Flame wedding journey was marked by initial fears and resistance, challenges, and unexpected obstacles. However, their love, determination, and trust in the journey allowed them to overcome these hurdles and create a beautiful, unique, and memorable experience. They are now married, sharing their life together as a Twin Flame couple.


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