Twin Flame Reading: Romance, Timing, and Assertiveness


I'm Laurentiu, and I'm Alexandra, and we are Twin Flames in Harmonious Union, students of Jeff and Shaleia, and Ascension Coaches affiliated with Twin Flame Universe. In today's Twin Flame reading, we'll be using the Oracle deck, "Angel Answers" by Lily Valentine. We invite you to focus on a question related to your Twin Flame journey. Take a moment to hold that question in your heart.

Card 1: Romance

The first card drawn is "Romance." This card signifies the importance of introducing more romance into your life. Whether you are with your Twin Flame or not, embracing and enhancing the romantic aspects of your connection can bring more joy, love, and positive energy into your union. This card encourages you to celebrate the romance between you and your Twin Flame, even if it is in its early stages.

Card 2: Not the Right Time

The next card indicates that it might not be the right time for certain aspects of your Twin Flame journey. This can be related to expectations and impatience. While it's essential to invite more romance into your life, it's also crucial to be patient. Romance cannot be rushed, and embracing the journey is part of the process. Remember that there is no end to your Twin Flame journey, and the focus should be on deepening the connection over time.

Card 3: Be Assertive

The final card encourages you to be assertive. Do not be meek or timid about expressing your desires and claiming your highest good. On your Twin Flame journey, you can be assertive with God, demanding love from the divine source. Your desires are valid, and your journey to harmonious Twin Flame union is worth pursuing. Be assertive and claim what you truly desire without conditions.

Assertive Love and Patience:

This reading emphasizes the importance of introducing romance into your life, being patient with the journey, and being assertive in claiming your desires. Romance is a vital aspect of the Twin Flame journey, but it cannot be rushed. As you patiently embrace the journey, do not hesitate to be assertive and claim your desires and harmonious union with your Twin Flame.

We hope this reading resonated with your question and provided you with guidance.


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