Twin Flame Weekly Reading: Building in Breaks, Timing, and Breadcrumbs of Pleasure


Hello, everyone! I'm Laurentiu, a Master Certified Ascension Coach, and I'm here to bring you a new type of reading—a weekly reading to help guide you on your Twin Flame journey. Today, I'm using the Hero's Journey card deck, which has always provided me with valuable insights and guidance. So, let's dive into what the cards have to say for this week.

Card 1: Building in Breaks

The first card we pulled is "Building in Breaks." This card emphasizes the importance of pacing yourself on your Twin Flame journey. It's a reminder that this is not a race; it's a journey. You're encouraged to take a step back and relax. You don't need to rush through it. Building in breaks doesn't mean being lazy—it means allowing yourself to process the work you've done, both internally and externally. Taking one step at a time is a sign of wisdom and self-care.

Card 2: Me Time

The second card, "Me Time," complements the message of the first card. It suggests that the spending time with yourself is crucial. You may have recently put in a lot of effort and inner work, and now it's time to let things unfold naturally. This week, focus on processing your energy and emotions. It's essential to find activities that bring you joy and allow yourself to enjoy them without waiting for someone else's approval or involvement.

Card 3: Breadcrumbs of Bliss

The third card, "Breadcrumbs of Bliss" aligns perfectly with the overall message. It encourages you to follow the trail of things that bring you joy and satisfaction. You might have little signs or clues leading you to experiences or activities you truly love. Embrace these breadcrumbs of love and pleasure in your life. This week, prioritize self-care and doing things that genuinely make you happy.


In conclusion, this week's reading emphasizes the importance of balance. You've been working diligently on your journey, and now it's time to take a step back, relax, and enjoy life. Building in breaks, understanding the significance of timing, and following the breadcrumbs of pleasure are key to finding harmony within yourself.

Remember that self-love and self-care are essential aspects of your Twin Flame journey. By taking care of yourself and finding joy in your daily life, you create a magnetic energy that can draw your Twin Flame closer to you.


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