Daily Twin Flame Reading: Messages of Unity and Divine Love


Welcome back to our channel! I'm Laurentiu, and I'm Alexandra. Today, we have a special daily Twin Flame reading for you, and we're excited to use the Rumi Oracle deck. These cards offer complex, profound messages that provide deeper insights into your journey. So, let's dive right in and see what wisdom the cards hold for us today.

Card 1: Sacred Soul Sisters (Number 37):

In this card, we see two figures, like kindred spirits meeting. The message is beautifully intricate and resonates with the notion of unity and higher wisdom.

"I love you. I am your other self. I am with you always. I am the you that you do not see, the you that speaks to intuition and instinct. I am whispering, singing, and shouting my truth-telling to you through your dreams and your body. I am the you that is wise and trusts in life. I know. I am the you that knows how to be happy and free."

This card emphasizes that you are not alone on your Twin Flame journey. Your higher self, your intuition, and instinct are always there, guiding you. You have access to this reservoir of wisdom and support. It's a call to connect with your Divine self and trust that help is always available to you. Choose to tap into this profound level of guidance and wisdom.

Card 2: The Cloak of Christ (Number 4):

This card features a central figure cloaked in radiance, emphasizing divine protection and unity. It encourages you to recognize that there's no aspect of your life, your body, or your soul beyond the reach of divine love and protection.

"He who shares my heart and yours, beating as one in harmony with the greatest unending love, brings you the mantle of His protection. Leave nothing cast aside. He and I together receive you absolutely without condition."

This card reminds you that there's no separation between you and your Twin Flame, or you and God. You can give your worries and concerns to God. Place your trust in this divine source, knowing that, by doing so, you will receive the highest outcome of your desires. God is aligned with the desires of your heart.

Card 3: Dissolving Light (Number 3):

The final card presents a powerful image of transformation, where a hunched figure dissolves into radiant light. It's a call to surrender and embrace the truth of who you are.

"Take my hand and become a satellite with holy fire. Together, we shall melt into truth, where falsehood cannot stand. Step into a light that cannot be extinguished."

This card invites you to embrace unity and dissolve any illusions of separation. Surrender to the truth of your being and the oneness that you share with your Twin Flame and with the divine. You have the power to melt into this truth, casting aside fear and suffering. Choose love, unity, and happiness in the present moment.


Today's Twin Flame reading emphasizes the importance of unity, connection, and divine love. It calls you to connect with your higher self, trust in divine protection, and surrender to the truth of oneness. You can access profound wisdom, support, and happiness right now. Let go of fear, ego, and suffering, and choose love. We hope you found these messages inspiring and insightful.


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