Embracing Divine Femininity: Attracting Your Twin Flame


I'm Laurentiu, and I'm Alexandra, both students of Jeff and Shaleia and Ascension Coaches affiliated with Twin Flame Universe. Today, we'll explore a captivating topic: how to become more in tune with your true Divine Feminine energy. This journey into your femininity is not only fascinating but also essential in attracting your Divine Masculine - your Twin Flame.

Understanding Divine Femininity:

In a previous video, we delved deeper into the concept of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine. In essence, you are either 100% Divine Feminine or 100% Divine Masculine. For Divine Feminines, it is essential to learn how to embody and embrace your true feminine energy to connect more deeply with your Divine Masculine.

Healing Blocks Around Femininity:

To step into your Divine Feminine, it's crucial to heal any emotional blocks related to femininity and receiving. The journey begins by identifying and addressing these blocks. Are you hesitant or fearful of receiving? To open up more fully to your Divine Masculine, you must recognize any resistance or fears associated with receiving love, care, and support.

Personal Healing Journey:

Alexandra shares a personal experience of healing her own blocks related to receiving love. She discovered that she was carrying fears of being hurt and felt uneasy about receiving physical affection. These fears were not based on her actual experiences but had to be addressed to fully embrace her Divine Feminine energy.

The healing process involves acknowledging these fears, being present with your inner wounded self, and providing the love, reassurance, and safety she needs. By doing this, you pave the way for greater openness and a deeper connection with your Divine Masculine.

Feminine Energy as Receptivity:

Divine Femininity is fundamentally about receiving. It involves being open to receive from your Divine Masculine. In your journey, you may project fears or unresolved issues onto your Divine Masculine, causing barriers to receiving. It's essential to address these fears within yourself and heal them.

The Union of Divine Masculine and Feminine:

Divine Masculine is eager to give love, support, and care to their Divine Feminine. The key is whether you are eager to receive unconditionally. For the Divine Masculine and Feminine union to flourish, it's vital for both to heal and to allow themselves to give and receive.


Embracing your Divine Femininity involves healing blocks related to receiving love and support. By opening up, you enable a profound connection with your Divine Masculine and attract them more effectively. Remember that Divine Femininity has nothing to do with external appearances; it is about your ability to receive.


Understanding Twin Flame Love - Feel the Connection


Daily Twin Flame Reading: Messages of Unity and Divine Love