Understanding Twin Flame Love - Feel the Connection


I'm Laurentiu, and I'm Alexandra, both students of Jeff and Shaleia and Ascension Coaches affiliated with Twin Flame Universe. Today, we'll explore the intriguing realm of feelings on your Twin Flame journey. What exactly is this feeling you're experiencing, and how do you know it's love? We'll help you tune into your heart and identify the Twin Flame love you're experiencing.

Exploring Twin Flame Love:

When you think about the person you believe to be your Twin Flame, what feelings come up? Take a moment to recognize those emotions. If there are negative feelings, it's okay; let them go for now. For this exercise, we want you to focus on the love and positive emotions.

Tune into the Love:

Begin to feel the love you have for this person. Imagine and immerse yourself in the love, joy, and peace you feel when thinking about them. Allow yourself to connect deeply with these feelings, knowing that it's safe to experience them fully.

Describing the Love:

The love you're feeling right now might feel warm, happy, and safe. You may feel at home, filled with happiness and joy. Dive into this sensation, and don't be afraid to fully embrace it.

Twin Flame Connection:

The love you're feeling during this exercise is how it feels to be with your Twin Flame. They bring warmth, happiness, safety, and home to your heart. Allow yourself to bask in this beautiful energy.

Imagining Your Twin Flame:

Now, picture your Twin Flame sitting next to you. It doesn't have to be a specific physical form; it's an energy. Feel their presence and love right next to you. Imagine that this person is your Twin Flame.

Receiving a Message:

With your Twin Flame next to you, take a moment to ask them a question. It could be anything you'd like to know. Listen to their response, even if it's not in words.

Stay in the Moment:

You can stay in this state for as long as you like. Allow yourself to be in this peaceful, loving moment with your Twin Flame's energy right beside you.

Coming Back to Reality:

When you're ready, slowly come back to your physical surroundings. Remember to ground yourself. Even as you return to your daily life, keep the loving, peaceful feeling of your Twin Flame's presence in your heart.


This exercise helps you understand that the love, warmth, and joy you feel when thinking about your Twin Flame is real. It's not a fantasy or a fairy tale; it's a reality you can manifest in your life. Don't give up on your Twin Flame journey, and remember that the love and connection are always with you.

Final Thoughts:

If at any time you feel down or unsure on your journey, return to this exercise. The love you feel never leaves you, and you can manifest it in every aspect of your life. It's essential to remember that the Twin Flame journey is about manifesting this love in every area of your life. By practicing the Mirror Exercise and following the teachings of Jeff and Shaleia, you can make this love a consistent presence.


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