Daily Twin Flame Reading - Partnerships, Savings, and Moonlighting


I'm Laurentiu, and I'm Alexandra. We are Twin Flames in harmonious union, students of Jeff and Shaleia, and Ascension Coaches affiliated with Twin Flame Universe. Today, we are back with your daily reading, and we apologize for the brief hiatus due to our recent wedding. We're excited to be back on track and to share insights from the "Angels of Abundance" card deck.


1. Partnership:

  • The card "Partnership" reminds us of the divine and beautiful connection we share with our Twin Flame. It encourages us to allow supportive and helpful partnerships into our lives, not only in our personal lives but also in our careers. When we open ourselves to these partnerships, both parties benefit. The guidance here is to recognize that help comes not only from heaven but also from people who bring essential skills and resources into our journey.

  • In the context of a Twin Flame journey, the most significant partnership is often the one with your coach. Don't underestimate the importance of this relationship in your spiritual growth. Our coaches have been instrumental in helping us navigate this path and reach harmonious union. Consider who can support you on your journey, be it through coaching, counseling, or collaborations, and don't hesitate to embrace these beneficial partnerships.

2. Savings:

  • The "Savings" card emphasizes the importance of consistently saving for your future. It's an act of self-care and a way to secure your future. While you focus on your life purpose, it's essential to set aside funds, so you can invest in yourself and your Twin Flame journey.

  • Whether it's saving for your ascension school tuition, moving in together with your Twin Flame, or investing in your spiritual growth, having savings provides you with the financial freedom to follow your path without unnecessary stress. Saving is a way of honoring your future self and ensuring you have the resources you need to manifest your dreams.

3. Moonlighting:

  • The "Moonlighting" card encourages us to consider working on our dream career part-time while keeping our current job to pay the bills. By doing so, we're setting the stage for our dream career to take flight and fully support us.

  • This card is a reminder that the Twin Flame journey is a process of transformation. As we let go of our old lives and step into this new path, it's crucial to balance our financial responsibilities with our dreams. Your journey may not require you to quit your job immediately, but you can start working on your dream in your spare time and gradually transition into a career that aligns with your life purpose.


The "Angels of Abundance" cards remind us to embrace partnerships that support us in our Twin Flame journey, to save consistently for our future, and to consider moonlighting in our dream career. As you navigate your journey, remember that you don't have to do it alone. Embrace the support that is available to you through coaching, savings, and gradual career transitions. We hope you found value in today's reading.


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