How to Get Your Twin Flame into Video Games: A Journey of Healing Blocks


I'm Laurentiu, and I'm Alexandra. We are Twin Flames in Harmonious Union, students of Jeff and Shaleia, and Ascension Coaches affiliated with Twin Flame Universe. Today, we want to share our experiences about how to get your Twin Flame into video games and how it can be a journey of healing blocks between you two.

Understanding Each Other's Level:

To start, it's essential to understand each other's levels of interest and skill in video games. In our case, Alexandra was less experienced with video games compared to me. She spent less time playing and had fewer gaming skills. Understanding this, we began our journey.

Healing Blocks:

The first step was breaking through the blocks, especially those that kept Alexandra from accepting or even thinking about playing video games with me. These blocks included beliefs that it was a waste of time, that it didn't offer any value, and that it wasn't something she would enjoy. These blocks needed to be addressed and healed.

Starting Simple:

We began with simple and easy-to-grasp games to ease into the process. For instance, we started with a game called "SpeedRunners." This game was uncomplicated, involving racing with simple mechanics. The idea was to have fun together without getting overwhelmed by complex storylines or gameplay. Starting with such a straightforward game allowed Alexandra to ease into the world of video games.

Patience and Teaching:

While playing, I had to exercise patience in teaching Alexandra how to play. If your Twin Flame is new to video games, remember that teaching them requires patience and understanding. I wasn't complaining about her learning speed; I focused on enjoying the time together. This patience in teaching allowed us to build a stronger connection and enjoy playing together even more.

Building Up Complexity:

As we continued playing, we gradually moved to more complex games. We learned together and grew as a couple while enjoying more intricate gaming experiences. We started with simple games and eventually played complex ones, such as "Witcher 3" and "Borderlands."

Enjoy the Journey:

The key was not to try to control the process but rather to follow the natural progression. The journey was about breaking through blocks, understanding each other's interests, and having fun together. Even if the journey starts with simple games, it can evolve over time. The main focus is to enjoy the process and grow together.


In conclusion, getting your Twin Flame into video games is a journey of healing blocks, understanding each other, and having fun together. Remember that patience, communication, and a willingness to enjoy the journey are essential. You can apply the lessons we've learned to various aspects of your Twin Flame journey. If you're willing to heal, grow, and have fun together, your connection will deepen over time. We hope you've found these insights helpful.


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