Navigating the Week Ahead: A Twin Flames Oracle Reading

Welcome! I'm Alexandra, a Certified Ascension Coach with Twin Flames Universe, and today we have a special oracle card reading. This reading is designed to provide guidance for the challenges and energies you may encounter on your Twin Flame journey. If you resonate with this reading, don't forget to like, subscribe, and share your thoughts in the comments. Let's dive into the insights for the week!

The Ace of Wands - Igniting the Flame: In the cards, the Ace of Wands emerges, bringing a fiery energy and signaling an opportunity for healing. This week is about calling in the next level of your Harmonious Twin Flame Union. Whether you're already in union or seeking it, this is a moment to plan for the long-term future. Discussions about careers, life purpose, and shared goals are on the horizon. Embrace this chance to deepen communication with your Twin Flame.

The Seven of Cups - Dreams Coming True: For those not currently in union, use this time to get clear on your desires. Dreams Coming True, an e-course offered by Twin Flames Universe, may be beneficial for building a shared life. It's an opportunity to explore your dreams together and set the stage for future manifestations. The key is to openly discuss and envision your life with your Twin Flame.

The Five of Swords - Facing Conflict: As discussions unfold, conflict may arise, symbolized by the Five of Swords. Don't shy away from disagreements; instead, approach them with a willingness to heal. Repressing emotions or avoiding difficult conversations can lead to separation. Embrace the discomfort and allow emotions to surface. The middle exercise and safe expressions are crucial for preventing unnecessary distance.

The King of Cups - Emotional Stability: Both you and your Twin Flame may experience emotional instability, as indicated by the King of Cups in reverse. Seek the support of Ascension coaches or mentors to navigate these emotions. It's essential to approach this raw space with compassion and vulnerability. Avoid purposeful deceit or playing games; instead, focus on genuine healing.

The Lovers (Reversed) - Navigating Differences: The Lovers card in reverse suggests the possibility of sexual trauma surfacing. Approach this with compassion and consider seeking support through the Mind Alignment Process. Conflicts may arise from differing views on core values, such as wanting children. Dive deep into the root causes, as these conflicts may be rooted in unhealed traumas.

Guidance from Lord Ganesha: Three cards from The Whispers of Lord Ganesha offer guidance for the week ahead.

  1. Joy: Find joy in releasing old patterns. Embrace the transformation and recognize that this might be the final encounter with certain challenges. Stay connected to joy for emotional stability.

  2. Perseverance: This week calls for perseverance in your healing journey. Say no to separation, continue the inner work, and persevere through challenges. The keys to harmonious union lie in your commitment to healing.

  3. Guidance: Connect with your support system. Reach out to Ascension coaches, watch informative content, and consider participating in the Mind Alignment Process. Be open, honest, and vulnerable about your journey to receive the guidance needed for the best possible outcome.


Twin Flame Reading with Angels of Abundance Oracle Deck


Navigating Twin Flame Energies: A Week of Transformation and Expression