Twin Flame Reading with Angels of Abundance Oracle Deck

Greetings, beloved souls, and welcome back to our sacred space here at Twin Flames Universe. I am Alexandra, a Certified Ascension Coach, and today we embark on a journey through the energies of the Twin Flame connection with a Tarot reading. As we delve into the cards, remember that this reading is a general overview, and I will also draw insights from the Angels of Abundance Oracle deck to provide additional guidance.

Before we begin, I'd like to extend an invitation to explore personalized readings, which are available on our website, Now, let's unravel the energies that await us this week.

The cards have unveiled a dynamic blend of energies, and I feel compelled to explore them in pairs of three to illuminate the intricacies of the journey. The initial trio comprises the Ace of Pentacles, the Devil in reverse, and the Wheel of Fortune in reverse. The Ace of Pentacles signifies stability, success, and abundance in your Twin Flame journey. It is a card that speaks to finding a sense of grounding, love, and overall prosperity. However, juxtaposed with this is the Devil in reverse and the Wheel of Fortune in reverse, suggesting a period of challenges and the emergence of deep-seated patterns.

The Devil in reverse signifies facing unpleasant patterns, such as addictions or unhealthy behaviors, for healing. Yet, the presence of the Ace of Pentacles implies that you will navigate through these challenges with newfound stability and confidence. It's an acknowledgment that you are evolving and embracing your personal power to transcend these patterns gracefully.

The Wheel of Fortune in reverse adds another layer, indicating a potential downturn in your Twin Flame connection. Despite this, the prevailing theme is that you will move through these energies with resilience and emerge stronger, fortified in your union.

Transitioning to the next trio of cards—the Empress, the Queen of Coins in reverse, and the Six of Cups—we encounter a powerful energy associated with the Divine Feminine. The Empress represents stability and strength, particularly in the realm of family and connections. It is a symbol of confidence and abundance, a reflection of the Divine Feminine's influence.

However, challenges manifest with the Queen of Coins in reverse and the Six of Cups. There is a sense of potential boredom or restlessness arising from a newfound stability. It's as if you've mastered survival mode and are now seeking the next steps in your journey. This calls for a shift in focus from mere survival to cultivating joy and exploring new facets of your Twin Flame connection.

The guidance here is to avoid relapsing into old patterns for the sake of excitement. Instead, redirect that energy into building joy within yourself and your union. It signifies a transition from survival to a more elevated paradigm in your journey.

Turning to the Angels of Abundance Oracle deck for further insights, the first card drawn is "Wonderful of Abundance." This reinforces the notion that an increase in advantages is on the horizon, arriving in unexpected forms. Be open to receiving these blessings, knowing that they support your life purpose and spiritual growth.

The next card, "Have Courage to Ask and Accept Help," encourages you to open up and seek assistance when needed. Acknowledge that you don't have to face challenges alone. This resonates deeply with the idea of partnership and collaboration with your Twin Flame in navigating through difficulties.

Concluding the oracle insights, we have the "Gratitude List" card. It emphasizes the importance of acknowledging and expressing gratitude for the abundance and healing you have received. This is a reminder to honor your progress and achievements in the journey, fostering a positive and appreciative mindset.

In essence, this week presents an opportunity for profound healing, transcending challenges, and embracing stability with a newfound sense of confidence. As you navigate through the energies, remember to shift your focus from survival to cultivating joy and expressing gratitude for the abundance in your life.


Twin Flame Reading with Tarot and Oracle Deck


Navigating the Week Ahead: A Twin Flames Oracle Reading