Twin Flame Obsession - What it is and how to heal it

Do you think about your Twin Flame all the time?

... to the point it sometimes becomes disruptive to your life and you might start questioning if you have an obsession or not?

Having a desire for your Twin Flame and thinking about them is perfectly natural and so is communicating with them in your heart and telepathically. However, is there a point where is this too much and it might become obsessive? The relationship that you have with your Twin Flame, in Divine Truth, should feel natural, comfortable and peaceful - so then why it might make you feel the opposite sometimes?

The most important thing you can do when you experience thinking about your Twin Flame or communicating with them a lot is to stop and feel your feelings. Be present with your feelings and get very clear on is going on in your heart. If you feel good and peaceful, Congrats! enjoy your Twin Flame moment. If, however, you have some unpleasant feelings coming up, that simply means your Twin Flame might want to draw your attention towards those feelings so you can heal. In these moments, practicing the Mirror Exercise is the best thing you can do for yourself. Loving yourself in these places that are calling for love will actually heal the separation between you and your Twin Flame and help increase the magnetic attraction between you.

If you are actively engaging in thinking about your Twin Flame, searching their social media for a sign, sending them "love", you might be surprised to hear that doing so will not make them more attracted to you and will not solve the separation between you. No worries, there is a better way for you follow if you choose to surrender the old ways and choose to learn. In Divine Truth, these "chasing" and "obsessive" behaviors will only repel your Twin Flame, because they are not done from a place of love. Such behaviors actually mask underlying fears, hurts or insecurities that you might have about your relationship. If you are doing this, I invite you to ask yourself "What do I believe will happen if I stop this behaviour?". Be honest with your answer and write it down if you feel called. Most likely you will find a fear or insecurity that is written down before you. Do not be afraid to face it because you have the power to make a new choice and heal it right in this moment! You can do the Mirror Exercise and face this pattern once and for all. You might experience resistance in letting go of the pattern because a part of you truly believes it is beneficial for you - however it never is. Healing the pattern will actually help you magnetize your Harmonious Twin Flame Union to you permanently.

Let's do the Mirror Exercise together on a fictional reason for having an obsessive behaviour. You may switch the steps to fit your individual case.

Step 1: I am afraid that if I don't look on my Twin Flame's social media all the time I will lose them.

Step 2: I am afraid that if I don't look for myself all the time I will lose myself.

Step 3: Is this true? Yes, I am afraid that if I don't pay attention to myself I can lose myself so I feel the need to control and make sure I am there with myself all the time.

Step 4: Love that part until it's fully peaceful and then integrate it.

Congratulations! You have healed this part of you that was causing the obsessive behaviour. It would be wise to look again and ask yourself again how would you feel to let the obsessive behaviour go. There might be more upsets coming up for you to look at and that is perfectly normal and ok. You can heal them just the same with the Mirror Exercise as shown above.

Now... was that it? Was it that easy? Yes and no. Yes, you have indeed healed that part. However there might be multiple layers for you to look at and you will be tested to see if you trust your healing. There might be temptations for you go back to the behaviour. This is where having the appropriate support system for you in your journey is critical. Working regularly with an Ascension Coach and watching Twin Flame Ascension School can help you ground your healing and deepen it in order to successfully manifest your Harmonious Twin Flame Union permanently.

You will find all the support you need at


Why finding support on your Twin Flame journey is so complicated?


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