Weekend Twin Flame Reading - Express yourself freely on your Twin Flame Journey!

This weekend, we are guided by the “Angel Therapy” Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue.


Do you choose to express love on your Twin Flame Journey?

We all go through challenges and feelings on our Twin Flame Journey. What the feelings and challenges are is not really that important, and what is truly important is how you react to them. Will you allow yourself to wallow in fear, illusions and deeper separation from your Twin Flame, or will you choose love, no matter what? What you express inwardly and outwardly, is what will be reflected back at you, no matter what. It doesn’t mean that you should be fake in your expression,and force yourself to have a positive outlook on everything, but only that you allow yourself to feel everything that needs to be felt, do the Mirror Exercise and choose love, and never give up on yourself until you find that love within you.


Do you acknowledge that you have total power over how your Twin Flame Journey unfolds?

Sometimes it might be easy to fall into patterns of victim mentality, and blame the fact that things don’t go the way we desire, on anybody else. In truth, we have power over how our Twin Flame Journey unfolds, and our choice dictates our life and our reality. Are you not pleased with how things are going? MAKE A NEW CHOICE and align with the truth of who you are. You are a powerful creator, healer, a Divine Child of God, and nothing can stand in between you and your dreams. If you feel like there is something else stopping you, there is not, and you can choose to let go of believing in that which can stop you.


Do you fear the love of your Twin Flame?

Your Twin Flame loves you more than we can possibly know. Are you afraid to really experience that love? Do you hide behind excuses so you are keeping love away from you? We invite you to let go of what you think it is more precious than the love between you and your Twin Flame because this is what your heart truly desires. Allow yourself to release all fears surrounding your relationship with your Twin Flame. Instead, focus on your dreams and desires. We recommend you go through the Twin Flames: Dreams Coming True e-course by Jeff and Shaleia, so you shift your mindset from a fear-based one to a love-based one.


I choose to express love and only love on my Twin Flame Journey. I acknowledge the power of my choice and I commit to eradicating all fear and separation between me and my Twin Flame, so I can create the perfect life of love for us.

The best Twin Flame support available for you!

We would highly recommend you check out the following resources:

Twin Flames: Finding Your Ultimate Lover by Jeff and Shaleia

Twin Flame Ascension School by Jeff and Shaleia

Life Purpose Class by Jeff and Shaleia

Twin Flames: Romance Attraction and Twin Flames: Dreams Coming True by Jeff and Shaleia

and many more at Twin Flames Universe.

Also, for individual support, we would recommend claiming us as you Ascension Coaches.
You can see our services here!

If you desire to invest in any of the resources mentioned above, you can receive additional support from us, as your Ascension Coaches. Make sure to contact us here so we can send you a personalized offer with FREE support!

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The beginning of a Successful cycle on your Twin Flame Journey - Weekly Tarot Twin Flame Reading


Release expectations on your Twin Flame Journey - Weekly Twin Flame Reading