Focus on Love - Weekly Twin Flame Reading
No matter how things look like on your Twin Flame Journey, it is important for us to keep focusing on love. Your priorities might change when you do so, and things might take unexpected turns, but as you have faith in God, you shall see you are perfectly guided to your Twin Flame Reunion. Nothing can stop you from achieving your dreams, so keep yourself focused on the higher purpose of what you are doing.
Weekend Twin Flame Reading - Express yourself freely on your Twin Flame Journey!
We all go through challenges and feelings on our Twin Flame Journey. What the feelings and challenges are is not really that important, and what is truly important is how you react to them. Will you allow yourself to wallow in fear, illusions and deeper separation from your Twin Flame, or will you choose love, no matter what?
Weekend Twin Flame Reading - Accept your True Divine Nature!
Your Twin Flame is your Ultimate Lover, and the love between you is more exquisite, juicy, luxurious than any kind of love you have ever experienced. What do you value more than this love? Are you allowing fears, excuses, illusions to keep you apart?
Reading for Twin Flames - Fourth week of March
This weeks reading comes from the Mystical Manga Tarot Deck, and the card I pulled is “The High Priestess Card”. This card is a Major Arcana, that is focused mainly on the inner aspects of the self, and is an encouragement to focus on your inner reality, on your feelings. The key to your Twin Flame Union is through inner searching and healing.
Reading for the first week of March 2020
Move forward with ease and grace. You are supported.